Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

Fostering Growth in Others

For many parents, August brings the beginnings of a new school year, and many accompanying changes: outgrown clothes, new school supplies, and another grade level. Even with these clear markers of change, it can be hard for parents to perceive the incremental growth that their kids are experiencing; they might be performing their morning routines

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Helping Your Child Develop Healthy Sleep Patterns

Many families I work with list sleep troubles high on their priority list, and for good reason. Lack of sleep can exacerbate issues with mental health functioning, especially in children who struggle with depression, anxiety, or ADHD.  Chronic sleep problems can increase irritability, decrease ability to focus, reduce frustration tolerance, and increase acting-out behaviors.  The

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