Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

Accessing Family Therapy: A Pathway to Healing and Stronger Bonds

In her soulful piece “Family Therapy Song,” Chicago-based artist Jae Jorgensen sings of the magic that family therapy can bring forth: “We can imagine together, create a story that changes the view  For a brighter tomorrow with loved ones  who understand you.” Jorgensen is right. Family therapy can create an environment for people to express

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A Shared Space for Healing: Family Therapy for Addiction

In her song “Drinkin’ Problem,” Lori McKenna describes the effects of a “drinking problem” in excruciating detail: I can’t hardly get out of bed, I can’t hardly clear my head Of last night’s spinning, smokey memories I call in sick to work, I tell ‘em my whole body hurts Yeah, I think this drinkin’ just

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How to Prevent Politics from Destroying Your Family

Working as an individual, couples, and family therapist gives me a unique front seat to conflicts of all forms.  I have witnessed politics play a part in many disagreements throughout immediate and extended families in my career.  Still, I have never seen the degree of political division that has infected American culture over the past

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Why We Need Thankfulness This Thanksgiving

What are the first associations that pop into your mind when you think of the traditional American Thanksgiving holiday?  Turkey and pumpkin pie?  Football?  The long and tedious hours of travel that you are about to endure?  The family arguments about politics you are about to suffer through?  While many things come to mind for

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“How do I tell my child that he/she is going to a therapist?”

This is a very common and appropriate question that parents ask me when scheduling the first session for their child. They might state concerns such as “I don’t want him/her to feel like something is wrong with him/her.” While this is understandable, therapy is usually a lot more anxiety-producing for parents than it is for

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