Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

Building Hope and Connection through Family Therapy

Many families enter therapy facing challenges such as unsafe behaviors, high conflict, or the effects of loss or trauma. In my last blog post, I noted how family therapy helps families address their problems by facilitating collaborative communication about heartfelt feelings and needs. Another way family therapists can help is by building hope and positive

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Family Therapy: An Opportunity for Collaborative Dialogue

If you are considering family therapy, you likely have a specific concern: a child with trouble in school, sibling conflict, or a teen acting out. Alongside these problems, you might feel stuck in cycles of miscommunication, hurt feelings, or unresolved conflicts. Perhaps minor disagreements generate bickering, or eerie silences ensue during car rides or family

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Accessing Family Therapy: A Pathway to Healing and Stronger Bonds

In her soulful piece “Family Therapy Song,” Chicago-based artist Jae Jorgensen sings of the magic that family therapy can bring forth: “We can imagine together, create a story that changes the view For a brighter tomorrow with loved ones who understand you.” Jorgensen is right. Family therapy can create an environment for people to express

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Developed by Eli Lebowitz at the Yale Child Study Center, SPACE (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions) is an evidence-based, parent-based treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety, OCD, and related problems. Parents meet with a SPACE-trained clinician to learn how to help their children by changing their behavior.  How Come the Program is

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Finding Trauma Treatment for Children in Your Care

Childhood trauma can result from acute or prolonged emotionally or physically threatening experiences, including abuse or neglect, accidents, illness, familial conflict, loss, or discrimination.  Traumatized children may feel overwhelmed, helpless, or shocked and have difficulty processing their experiences. Signs of trauma include prolonged anger, sadness, or fear; numbness; nightmares or flashbacks; irritability; and frequent upset. 

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