Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

The Value of Family Meetings

All families who come into my office, no matter what their particular issues are, all share one common characteristic; their family system is experiencing stress.  In addition, most families have not been able to sit down together and effectively address each other’s concerns.  Indeed, few families do; while it is common in many settings for

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Returning to Work After Baby

  After my daughter was born, the last thing I wanted to think about was leaving her to return to an office.  It was a feat getting out the door on time for playgroup, let alone putting on a work-appropriate outfit and carrying on a conversation that didn’t revolve around sleep and how to get

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Surviving and Thriving During the Holidays

At this very moment people all over the country are frantically preparing meals, decorating, traveling, and tidying up before guests arrive for what is only the start of the holiday season. While the holidays bring families together along with many fond memories they can also mean changes in schedules, environment, and expectations. I oftentimes hear

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