Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

Establishing Respectful Communication with Your Child

“You’re completely ridiculous, Dad—you don’t know anything” “Why do you have to use the computer right now?! Let me use it!” “You’re the reason I did so bad on that test, because you made me go to that dumb “event”!” If you are a parent, the above quotes may feel uncomfortably familiar.  Of all the

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Showing Care When You Hear “I Don’t Care”

“I don’t care!” We all have heard it before—a child’s dismissive comeback, often in response to a parent’s concern. Discussions about children’s behavior and expectations are often stressful for parents; a child’s “I-don’t-care” retort can generate additional frustration, anger, and sometimes, self-doubt.

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The Power of Giving Choices

  The “dog days” of summer have arrived. The sun is blazing, the mosquitos are biting, and the kids are, well, barking (at least in my house!). Summertime certainly brings its share of joy and laughter, but after 3 months of relaxed schedules, unpredictable routines, and normal “jitters” about the start of a new school

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