Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog is written by the clinicians at Jonah Green and Associates, a mental health practice based in Kensington, MD that provides quality services for children, teens, families, and adults. It is intended as a resource for families who are seeking to expand their knowledge about mental health and mental health services, and also as a resource for families who are seeking quality mental health services, especially in the mid-Atlantic region.

ADHD and Divorce

We are pleased to present a guest post by Psychologist Judith Glasser, Ph.D., a local Psychologist with over 30 years of experience.  For Dr. Glasser’s bio, please scroll to the end of the post. Life with a family member with ADHD can be stressful; wonderful in some ways, but stressful in others. People with ADHD

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Communication Tips for Successful Transitioning

Please enjoy this very practical and informative post written by guest blogger Rebbeca Rubin, LCSW-C.  Please see then end of the post for more information about Rebecca. As graduation season approaches, many young adults feel excited to enter a new phase of life. For transitioning youth with disabilities and their families, this excitement is often

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Child Safety: Beyond “Stranger Danger”

Every parent’s number one responsibility is to keep their child safe. Since pictures of missing children began to first appear on milk containers in the 1980’s, parents .have responded by teaching their children about “stranger danger.” Many children are instructed from a very early age not to talk to strangers. Yet the National Center for

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Quality Family Time in the New Year

It happened. You blinked and the month of January was over. Before you could process what happened, two days of February were forever gone from the calendar. While we cannot stop time in 2012, we can stop to evaluate how we want to spend time the New Year. So, here’s the million-dollar question: How do

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