Here are some questions many ask before starting treatment. Please ask your clinician if you have any others!
Do you take insurance?
We are considered “out-of-network” providers. We provide “Superbills” containing all the necessary information to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. Depending on the terms, your insurance may cover treatment in whole or part. Please contact your insurance provider to verify how your plan compensates you for psychotherapy services.
What questions do I ask my insurance company?
- What rates do you allow (“reasonable and customary”) for the following codes: 90834 Individual Therapy) or 90847 (Couples Therapy or Family Therapy)? Other codes may include 90846 (family therapy without patient) or 90837 (extended individual session).
- What percentage of the rates do you cover for an out-of-network licensed mental health provider?
- Is approval required from my primary care physician?
- Are there forms to submit for reimbursement? Where do I find them?
- What is my annual deductible, and has it been met for this year?
- When does my calendar year start?
- How many sessions per calendar year does my plan cover?
- Does my insurance policy cover virtual sessions?
Do you offer in-person and virtual sessions?
Yes, we offer both.
How do I schedule appointments?
You schedule sessions directly with your therapist.
When is my payment due? How do I pay, and what methods of payment do you accept?
Payment is due upon completion of each session. We accept credit cards, ACH, and checks.